*Note: The campaign name " Wa(h)ljahr 2024" is a play on words in German, combining the words "Wahl" (election) and "Wal" (whale).
CITY MANAGEMENT DRESDEN is a privately funded association founded in 1999 to strengthen the Dresden City. For this reason, businesses and institutions in retail, real estate, culture, leisure, and tourism sectors, as well as interest and advertising associations, have joined together. The members share the common interest in a strong, attractive, and livable city center in Dresden. The City Management Dresden e. V. is politically neutral, but appeals to all citizens to use their vote with heart and mind.
For the realization of this heartfelt project, we have been able to enlist the experienced professional Figurenbau Peter Ardelt and his team.
Throughout the upcoming weeks leading up to the elections, there will be ongoing promotions and activities surrounding the Wa(h)l:
We will continually and regularly update on promotions and activities. Changes may occur.
Take your selfie with the Wa(h)l-sculpture!
Check out our Instagram channel (@city_dresden), follow us, and tag #Wa(h)ljahr for a chance to win great prizes!
We're looking forward to seeing many great selfies! We'll be posting shortly about the fantastic prizes you can win.
Legal notices:
... The competition is organized by City Management Dresden e. V.
... The contact person is exclusively City Management Dresden e. V.
... Facebook & Instagram are explicitly not associated with the competition.
... For all further information about the competition and data protection, please visit our website: www.cm-dresden.de
... Legal recourse is excluded.
An initiative of the Evangelical & Catholic Churches in Saxony