
Our city is not only changing due to the upcoming elections. The needs of downtown visitors and the structural transformation in the range of offerings in our city are constantly evolving, yet we live in a "sea of desires." And within that, more diversity emerges than most people would expect: retail, services, culture, gastronomy, leisure activities – there is so much to discover, shop, and experience in the city center of Dresden. the campaign "Wa(h)ljahr 2024"*, led by the City Management Dresden e. V., aims to bring even greater attention to the city center.

Symbolically, an approximately 7-meter-high whale sculpture will be placed in front of the Kulturpalast, serving as a photo and information point to draw attention to the diversity – the sea of desires. The Dresden-based sculptor builder, Peter Ardelt, along with his team, were brought on board for its realization. And you also have the choice: On June 9th, there are European and city council elections, and on September 1st, there are state elections. Your vote counts!

*Note: The campaign name " Wa(h)ljahr 2024" is a play on words in German, combining the words "Wahl" (election) and "Wal" (whale).

Who is behind it? City Management Dresden!


You will find the large whale sculpture right in the heart of Dresden's city center in front of the Kulturpalast Dresden.

Schloßstraße 2, 01067 Dresden

Come by and have a look – visit our city!

Activities & Promotion

Throughout the upcoming weeks leading up to the elections, there will be ongoing promotions and activities surrounding the Wa(h)l:

  • May 29 | Wal Promotion | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • May 30 | "Wa(h)lgesang" | Music by Violon Vagabonds | 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
  • June 4  | "Wa(h)lgesang" | Music by Violon Vagabonds | 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
  • June 5  | CMD Promotion Team | "Lass dich verzaubern" with Pascal Dalchau
  • June 8  | Promotion for Kids | 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • June 12 | "Wa(h)lmusik" | Brass rehearsal by the Evangelical Music School | 5:15 PM

We will continually and regularly update on promotions and activities. Changes may occur.

Your selfie with the Wa(h)l!

Take your selfie with the Wa(h)l-sculpture!

Check out our Instagram channel (@city_dresden), follow us, and tag #Wa(h)ljahr for a chance to win great prizes!

We're looking forward to seeing many great selfies! We'll be posting shortly about the fantastic prizes you can win.


Legal notices:

... The competition is organized by City Management Dresden e. V.
... The contact person is exclusively City Management Dresden e. V.
... Facebook & Instagram are explicitly not associated with the competition.
... For all further information about the competition and data protection, please visit our website: www.cm-dresden.de
... Legal recourse is excluded.



For everyone! With heart and mind

An initiative of the Evangelical & Catholic Churches in Saxony

2024 is an election year in Germany. A broad ecumenical initiative makes the voice of the churches visible and audible to the outside world during the Wa(h)ljahr 2024. The Evangelical and Catholic Churches in Saxony advocate for human dignity, neighborly love, and solidarity. We endorse and support this initiative! Find all information here: www.fuer-alle.info